Indigenous Engagement & Services

Atlas Professionals is passionate about Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement, training and employment strategies.

Atlas and Indigenous Communities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a spiritual, physical, social and cultural connection with the land and the ocean. This connection with the ocean is where our engagement starts, focusing on innovative projects and mentoring with the end goal of having more Indigenous Australian seafarers qualified to work on all vessels that operate in Australian waters. 

Atlas provides training and employment opportunities that assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in gaining relevant skills and work experience that equip them in a variety of industries – predominantly Offshore Marine. Our specialised Indigenous employment team provides vocational care to Indigenous employees throughout all stages of their employment.

Atlas Professionals’ key strategies for effective engagement and quality training include:

  • Culturally aware and inclusive engagement;
  • Investing time with every individual involve in our programmes to build genuine relationships;
  • A concept of success based on enduring outcomes rather than numbers.

Partnership Opportunities

Atlas Professionals offers many partnership options for its Clients, tailor making its service delivery to our Clients irrespective of whether they are seeking general guidance or full project management to ensure successful Indigenous employment on their projects. 

We offer a range of opportunities from initial recruitment strategies focusing on local engagement to identifying suitable future Indigenous employees and enrolling them in successful pathways into an oil and gas career that benefits the community, the Professional and the Client. To this end, our training programs are aligned with the skill requirements of our Clients.

Past Indigenous Engagement

Our proven history with the “Wardarn Koorl” pre-employment training program led to Atlas Professionals winning the AMMA Indigenous Employment & Retention award in both 2012 and 2014. Many of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women who were engaged and chosen in the pre-employment program are still gainfully employed Offshore and progressing in their career.

In 2018 Atlas Professionals collaborated with our clients to provide valuable Australian industry standard construction and heights training to over 55 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Next to this, Atlas Professionals staff members are trained in cross-cultural awareness. The training aims to provide our staff with invaluable understanding and insight into Indigenous culture and the challenges candidates face in training and employment. Regularly, our office personnel and our Clients got involved in a number of sporting events with the Clontarf Yule Brook Academy to raise cultural awareness and show our support.

Future Indigenous Engagement

Atlas Professionals is always exploring ways to improve its Indigenous engagement and employment services and to expand them across our Australian business lines. One example of this is the Atlas Catering Department’s incorporation of native foods and Indigenous recipes into its tailor-made menus and special theme nights for national remembrance occasions such as NAIDOC Week (e.g., wattleseed and macadamia milkdamper).

Our Australian business is committed to continue to ensure local communities and foundations are supported, set our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women up for successful futures in the Maritime Oil & Gas industry and provide successful Indigenous engagement, training and employment services to its Clients. Together, we can decrease the employment gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in the Marine industry and recognize the importance of work for individual and community well-being.